Joshua & Brody (Sep 2011)

October 30th, 2011

Well! I don’t actually remember what happened in September.

I think it was football, tennis, swimming, parties, (pretend bike-rides – see photo of Joshua, below).

I do know we were busy.

Brody was a mellow-fellow, while Josh was activity-plus.

Joshua & Brody (Aug 2011)

August 30th, 2011

We have had an eventful month. Brody-boy has started to walk…. and climb and feed himself… and insists on brushing his own teeth… and play ball with his big brother. As a result mum and dad are now super-tired.

This is birthday season for Josh and his mates – one birthday party saw Josh get a great face-painting (as a tiger). We refused to wash our face for days.

Joshua & Brody (July 2011)

August 13th, 2011

July is birthday month – Joshua and Brody boy, both born in July.

Mummy decided on a ‘Movie’ birthday party for Joshua and invited 4 of his mates to see Cars 2 at the Jam Factory (South Yarra, Melbourne).

All four boys (or their parents) accepted. The birthday party was a hit – the boys loved being together on the weekend and I suspect that they would have enjoyed just hanging out at a park – had the weather been better. A good time was had by all. Joshua still talks about it. I would love to share some photo’s of the event – but there were no photos in which all 5 boys actually were in focus long enough for that to occur. After sitting in a movie (almost 2 hours) all they wanted to do was move/play/scream/make funny faces/run, etc. Joshua loved his presents – especially the very loud “Shark Park” – picture attached.

Brody’s 1st birthday was a much quieter affair – just granny and mum, dad and Joshua. But, as with Joshua, I did take some cup-cakes to day-care and I’m told the girls in the nursery made a fuss of him. Big brother was very proud of Brody’s birthday cup-cakes (but told us they were not as good as his).

Joshua & Brody (June 2011)

July 9th, 2011

We spent the day at Torquay (along the Great Ocean Road) and landed smack-bang in the middle of a kite flying festival.


The beach, a wonderful play area right next to the kites and great cafe’s nearby… kid’lets happy =  parents happy.

Joshua & Brody (May 2011)

June 19th, 2011

Brody is now standing and moving along the furniture… and unpacking the CD collection – yes! we still have CD’s.

Joshua and family enjoyed a picture-perfect winter’s day at the beach…

and Joshua is now proficient at taking photo’s. Iain assures me that he didn’t take this one.. or the 20 or so like it. And, given the subject matter – I believe him.

Joshua & Brody (April 2011)

May 25th, 2011

Now well into Autumn, it is time to try out some new head gear…”that bowl looks good as a hat, Joshua!”

Joshua is also into combining his games – here we have golf played on a tennis court – beauty!

Joshua & Brody (March 2011 revisited)

May 25th, 2011

Time for Dad to write an update. Just going through the photo album…

Joshua & Brody (March 2011)

April 9th, 2011

Well! The Australian Grand Prix has come and gone… and Joshua & daddy were there.

Joshua successfully conned his father into purchasing him a ‘you-beaut’ electric, miniature, remote-controlled Ferrari. The master manipulator rides again!

Joshua spends his days in Kinder, making sure mum has bought him enough icy-poles on the way home, bike-riding and sipping mini-chino’s (not baby-chino’s – ’cause he’s not a baby).

Brody was less demanding on the hip pocket. He was just enjoying his life – mum and dad making a fuss over him, lots of female attention at nursery, interacting with all his nursery chums and he gets to play with lots and lots of toys. Sweet!

Joshua & Brody (Feb 2011)

March 4th, 2011

Joshua and Brody have settled in at day-care.

Joshua even wants to go to Kinder-school. What a change that makes! When I pick the boys up at the end of the day, Joshua frequently asks me to wait until he is finished with whatever he is up to.

Brody loves the attention of his Nursery teachers and he gets to play with so many exciting toys and all his friends. How good it is to hear and read about their day, each evening.

Brody now has 3 teeth (2 at the bottom and 1 on top). He has been crawling backwards for a while and has just started to crawl (forwards).

Find photo’s of Joshua at a recent birthday party and Brody with teeth.

Joshua & Brody (Jan 2011)

February 17th, 2011

Mum is back at work and Joshua and Brody are now in day-care full-time.

Joshua loves it because he is now in Kinder – he is the big boy at day-care. Can you believe it!   Joshua used to be in the Nursery – now he is among the oldest boys in day-care.

Brody is one of the youngest – and the girls tell me he has inspired ‘Brody-fever’ at day-care.  Apparently, all the staff come by during the day for a Brody-cuddle. I’ve seen the boy in action – it is something to behold. Even other mothers (you know how hard they are to impress) have ‘warmed’ to the smiley Brody… must get them to email some of their photo’s…

Keep up the good work boys!

Find photo of action boy Joshua, above.